Grayson went for his 4 month check-up on January 14th. He weighed 15lbs. 12oz. (75th percentile), 25 1/2 inches long (75th percentile), and head circumfence was 42 (50th percentile). I can't believe how much he has caught up since he had his surgery. He used to be in the 10th percentile for everything when he was sick. Grayson is now talking, grabbing on to things, and rolling over to his back and he can roll back over to his stomach. He had to start eating food at three months since he was not getting satisfied off of just his milk. He has also starting sleeping through the night most of the time, and he likes to sleep on his side. Sometimes, he will wake up for a 3AM feeding, but not all the time. He is just the most precious thing, and his smile lights up his whole face. We had his christening on December
23rd, but I do not have any pictures to post off of the computer I am on.