This is the story of how Finley Banks Davis came into this world. It all started last Tuesday. I woke up around 6:30 AM and my stomach was hurting so bad. It was constant pain, and it did not feel like contractions where you have some relief in between each one. Finally, around 2:30 I called the doctor, and they told me to come in to get checked out. When I got there they hooked me up to the monitors, and I was having contrations about 4 minutes apart so sent me over to the hospital to once again stop labor. After giving me a lot of fluids and medicine they got the contractions to be about 10 minutes apart that night. My doctor showed up around 10 PM that night, and he said he would do the C-section right then if I had dilated anymore. I had not so he made me stay overnight. The next morning he decided to send me home even though I was having 1-2 contractions an hour, and the hour before I have to take my magnesium I was having 4-5 an hour. So, back home I went for more bedrest. Well, Thursday all day long I could not even get up to go to the bathroom because I was having contractions again. When I got up I had to stay bent over because it hurt that bad. I didn't call the doctor because I had an appointment at 8:30 the next morning anyway. Friday morning Patrick drove me to the doctor just in case. When they hooked me up to the monitors my contractions were 2 minutes apart, and I had dilated to 2cm. Dr. Wolfe then informed me that we would be having the baby that day. Off we went to the hospital to wait until he could come do my C-section. We arrived around 10:30 AM, and they did all the pre-op stuff to me. My water actually broke on its own at 12:20. I was wheeled into surgery at 1:00 PM, and Finley was here by 1:22 PM. He was absolutely perfect, and even though he was 4 weeks early he does not have a single thing wrong with him. No NICU this time!!! It is so weird to have a normal baby that just sleeps and eats all the time. I do not have to stay awake 24/7 like we did with Grayson to make sure he doesn't choke on his on spit-up. I guess God decided to bless us with a healthy baby this time after all of the hospital stays and surgery we had with Grayson.
Finley had his well baby check up on Wednesday and he got an A+, and I had my incision check on Wednesday too. It has not gotten infected like it did last time so I guess I got an A+ too!