Thursday, October 4, 2007

New Pics of Grayson

Grayson finally came home from the NICU on Tuesday. He is doing great! He now weighs a little over 7 lbs., and he has his first check-up tomorrow. Also, Patrick and I wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers while Grayson was in the hospital. Thanks to everyone for the food they brought over too.


Anonymous said...

Grayson is so adorable! Glad to hear everyone is doing well!

Christi said...

Grayson loves me!

Oh, and I love him!

Anisa S. said...

so glad baby grayson is home and doing well! and i can tell from the pics that harley gale is very interested in his new sibling. :)

miss and love y'all!!

Adelia said...

He is precious! I can't wait to meet him. I sat by your dad at the WL game Friday night and he was such a proud papaw showing off pics of that sweet baby. I'm glad ya'll are home and doing well. Miss and love ya.

Alicia said...

he is so cute...i love the name was good to see you in canton....i hope all is well at your household...