Monday, May 12, 2008

Sorry it's been so long..................

Sorry we haven't posted in a long time. Work has been crazy, and we have been super busy. My dad did have a heart attack a few weeks ago while he was turkey hunting, but he is doing great now. So, we went to Meridian the past few weekends to visit with him. Grayson is getting so big. We went to the doctor today, and he weighed 21 lbs. 14oz. He had bronchiolitis in April, and now we are fighting secondary infections from that. He is on his second round of antibiotics, and we are still doing the breathing treatments. Grayson has four teeth, and two more on the way. He loves to stand-up all the time. He has no interest in crawling because he cannot stand to be on his stomach. He has also started eating table food, and he loves it!Other than that nothing much going on. Patrick and I are going to Chicago for our anniversary trip in two weeks. Here is a list of some of Grayson's favorite things:

Any toy that is green and a frog
Food in any shape, form, or fashion
Staying awake and not taking naps
Standing up and holding on to things
Being outside
Sippy cup
Little Tykes swing
Digital clocks

Will post pics later.

1 comment:

Christi said...

He gets his love of green from his godmother!